I'm on vacation at the moment (quick road trip to SF), so no major posts, but here are some great things to read and think about.
"Blogging IS a feminist issue": Susie Bright writes some thoughts in response to the BlogHer conference. There needs to be more conversation about the intersection of gender and technology and biases in technology fields.
"Lipstick and Power": In anticipation of Femme 2006 (which commentors seem to think I should attend, but it's hard to commit to driving all the way back to SF not much more than a week after I leave and I do have a dissertation to write), jackadandy posts some thoughts on femme and identity. I owe this some more thought once I'm back home.
Some Under the Radar shows
This year's Under the Radar festival is presenting 33 works. I wrote about
five of them in this critic's notebook for the New York Times. Hint: Wakka
2 days ago
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