Great night tonight. Katastrophe and Nicky Click at club butchin at Mr. T's Bowl.
The show started with Sharp Ease who were kind of cute and fun, but a bit redundant-sounding.
Katastrophe makes me squeal. Eeep! He was super-fun to watch, even though the crowd was mysteriously subdued and not giving him a lot of good feedback in terms of dancing and screaming. Usually I blame the artist's audience management skills for any dearth of crowd energy, but Katastrophe was giving a good, energetic performance complete with adorably expressive gestures and faces. That boy communicates a lot with his eyes. I seriously could have watched him perform for hours. It made me realize how much I love his first CD, let's f*ck then talk about my problems, which a friend borrowed from me like a year ago and never gave back. I seriously need to get that back or order a new one, because it's awesome. Katastrophe did a great job balancing songs from both his albums and generally being great. Sigh. Love.
Finishing off the night was Nicky Click, who was pretty darn fun. I didn't know anything about her before tonight, but she was totally entertaining and I found myself bopping and singing along even though I didn't know the words. She puts on an awesome stage show and seriously works the audience.
I'm glad to be back in LA, and though I'm exhausted, being out in queer space tonight really made me happy. And I'm totally impressed with the demographics of club butchin. As the name implies, there was a delightfully wide range of queer masculinity, butchness, genderqueerness, and transness. There were cute, interesting folks to look at everywhere I turned and that makes me super-happy. I got introduced to cute boys, had some conversations with acquaintences who may be becoming friends, and generally enjoyed myself all around. I seriously came home still buzzing with the exitement of chatting and fliriting and dancing and just generally being around cool, intelligent queer folks. Yay! Cheers to those who organize club butchin; if this is its regular crowd, I'll definitely be back.
Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy
The new Bridget Jones movie is going to do really well: Not only is it
better than it needed to be but it's landing in an anxiety-making context
where peop...
1 week ago
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