My favorite gaggle of gay boys has recruited me for line dancing. I find myself once again in a situation in which I need to dress for an odd occasion. In this case, I need boots, and I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to make a serious investment to get proper boots. So I'm looking to the internet for brilliant boot-shopping advice. Western wear is decidedly not a part of my everyday wardrobe, and as such I need help. My boot needs are simple. I'm looking for something vaguely feminine, with toes that aren't too long and pointy. No tassles. And unfortunately, I should probably avoid anything with a significant heel, since any dancing makes me prone to falling on my butt and high heels probably wouldn't help the situation.
This is a pair of nice, neutral boots that I think are attractive.
These boots are less specifically western, but I think they're beautiful and quite feminine, and I might be able to wear them on more occasions.
I find the white details on these boots rather appealing.
I'm also tempted to get something totally outlandish, like these lovely purple fluevogs. But what could I wear them with?
And these boots have pin-up girls on them, which I love. And they're pretty cheap. But awfully silly and a ostentatious.
So, what do you think? Any advice on color or style that I should heed? Boot-related wisdom or advice? I've already run into the problem that I can't wear a knee-length dress with boots without looking short and stubby, which is totally annoying. Which Is why I've settled on the jeans and a western shirt. I have a red one that would work, but I'm definitely keeping my eye out for more appropriate options. And any advice on this front is certainly welcome. What qualifies as femme for line-dancing purposes?
Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy
The new Bridget Jones movie is going to do really well: Not only is it
better than it needed to be but it's landing in an anxiety-making context
where peop...
1 week ago
Dear Lost Boots,
Definitely go with the boots you're crazy about! Don't settle for anything less!
What to wear with the boots how about nothing (just joking) but in all seriousness. Jeans are always a good staple as for a shirt; you don't necessarily have to choose a "cowboy" or cowgirl shirt. You can go with any shirt and dress it up with accessories like a funky cowboy hat and western scarf, even try so Native American jewelry. Another suggestion is to try a belt over a shirt or an over sized sweater with leggings.
The possibilities are endless and remember to have some fun with it!
With Peace & Love
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