Lois Weaver, of Split Britches fame, champion and pioneer of femme lesbian performance artists, will be doing a show at UCLA on Thursday. Diary of A Domestic Terrorist will combine video, political commentary, and excerpts from Weaver's past performances. I'm totally excited to see this femme dynamo on stage in real life rather than grainy video.
Lois Weaver:
"Diary of a Domestic Terrorist"
Thursday, November 30, 2006
4 - 6 pm
1330 Macgowan Hall
co-sponsored by the Center for Performance Studies, the Center for the Study of Women and by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy
The new Bridget Jones movie is going to do really well: Not only is it
better than it needed to be but it's landing in an anxiety-making context
where peop...
2 weeks ago
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